Sunday, February 26, 2012

Doodle for Google Contest is now open for 2012

We have so many talented students at our school. I do hope some of you will enter the Doodle for Google Contest for 2012. This year's contest theme is, "If I could travel in time, I'd visit..." -Would you maybe travel back to medieval Japan or China or Africa - places the 8th grade curriculum has been exploring?
Would you like to go back in time to ancient Greece -or maybe ahead in time to the year 2050? It's all up to your imagination. Along with your drawing, you'll need to submit your written response in 50 words or less.

(Deadline is Monday, March 19, so I can mail the entries in order to reach Google by March 23, at 11:59 pm Pacific time.)

Just to whet your appetite, watch this video about Matteo Lopez, the grand-prize winner for the 2011 Doodle for Google contest:

While your parents can submit your doodle, I would be honored to submit any entries for our school. You will need to submit a signed parent permission form along with your drawing. This year will be even more exciting in that there will be a winner for every state instead of just a number of regions, as was the case in previous years. In fact, there will be 250 state finalists chosen, so your odds of being recognized are higher than ever.

The grade categories are different this year, also. For our purposes 7th and 8th graders will be in different categories.

The doodles must be submitted on the second page of the official entry form, and only one doodle per student is allowed, although I may submit as many doodles per school as received.
There is also a way students can created their doodle in PhotoShop. I will have a template prepared and stored in the student drive for any student wishing to do an electronic doodle.

Here is a link to the main website for Doodle for Google:

Here is a link to the FAQs page with information about prizes:

Come to see me in Lab 21 for an official entry form or to set up a time that you can work on your doodle on the school computers if you choose to use PhotoShop for a digital drawing.

Here are some entries from years past:


So see me in Lab 21 soon - and start creating. If you are the grand prize winner, you can win a $30,000 scholarship for college as well as a $50,000 technology grand for our school! That would be awesome!

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