Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Updating My Avatar

I haven't been to the Yahoo avatar creation page in a while. As the old saying goes, it you don't use it, you lose it. I updated the background for my avatar from a coffee shop to a computer lab background. Then I searched around for how to update it on the blog. I did not find a way.
In fact, I cannot remember how I got it onto my blog in the first place. This is all the more reason for keeping a blog and Google Notebook. If you write procedures down in one of these online places, you have access to the notes from any computer, anywhere.
When I logged back onto my blog for the project, my avatar was there, and the background had automatically updated. It is all connected. This is a good thing, but it's also kind of scarey.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Lots to Think About

Today we had a professional development day training. David Warlick was our keynote speaker. He was very well received. The question is, where do we go from here? How do we implement more 21st century tools into our curriculum to prepare our students for a future which is constantly changing?
I think our ability to use these web 2.0 collaborative tools to connect with educators all over the United States and the world is a good place to start. We teachers can connect and share with colleagues that are facing the same problems we face and through sharing, hopefully can come up with some methods that will enhance learning opportunities for our students and better prepare them for life outside the school.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Completing the Tasks

Thing #2 post
I watched the narrated slideshow on the 71/2 habits of lifelong learners. It was nicely done, and I liked the pane with the printed text of the narration on the left. That allowed me to skim throught the information faster than it was being narrated and go through all of the slides.
I pretty much do all of the things listed as key components. My hardest part is goal-setting and getting it down on paper, either real or virtual. I know I must do this. I get so easily distracted when I am researching (learning) on the web, and I get off track. Having my goals written down and a plan for achieving them hopefully will keep me focused.
Using Google Notebook has been a tremendous aid in helping me track and annotate and remember where I've been, where I'm going, and where I want to be.

That was Fun!

Well, there is my avatar created at
It was really fun to choose clothes, accessories, pets, and a background. I can see why the kids love to do this.
I chose a camera around my neck because I love to take digital pictures, and since I am a computer technology integration teacher, I have my rolling laptop bag in the background. The dog is not a Siberian Huskey, but she looks a little like our dog.
I wanted a background of a computer lab, but I could not find one among the choices, so I took my next favorite place, a coffee shop. Caffeine Rules!
I wonder why the posting time is wrong on the blog. It is actually 4:14PM.

The Evolving Classroom at Bethany Middle School

Week 2, #3

This is a blog I am setting up to track my progress through the Online Learning Program called Classroom Learning 2.0 sponsored by the California School Library Association 2.0 Team.
It is actually a second blog that I have on blogger. I am a little nervous about setting it up because I would hate to have it wipe out my established blog. I guess we'll see.

Anyway, I understand that I need to get an avatar to represent me on this blog. I have one established in "Second Life", but frankly, I am completely lost in that on-line environment. I am not a gamer, so I have very little frame of reference to guide me in that new environment.

I'll be back with my Avatar.